| Adaville Formation |
| Alkalic Extrusive and Intrusive Igneous Rocks |
| Alkalic Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks |
| Alluvium and Colluvium |
| Almond Formation |
| Ankareh Formation, Thaynes Limestone, Woodside Shale, and Dinwoody Formation |
| Anorthosite and Norite |
| Aspen Shale |
| Bacon Ridge Sandstone |
| Basalt Flows and Intrusive Igneous Rocks |
| Basalt Flows and Intrusive Igneous Rocks |
| Battle Spring Formation |
| Baxter Shale |
| Bear River Formation |
| Beartooth Mountains |
| Bighorn Dolomite |
| Bighorn Dolomite, Gallatin Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation, and Flathead Sandstone |
| Bishop Conglomerate |
| black |
| Blair Formation |
| Blind Bull Formation |
| Bridger Formation |
| Brule Member (White River Fm) |
| Bug Formation |
| Caldwell Canyon Volcanics |
| Camp Davis Formation |
| Carlile Shale |
| Casper and Fountain Formations |
| Casper Formation |
| Cathedral Bluffs Tongue (Wasatch) |
| Chadron Member (White River Fm) |
| Chugwater and Dinwoody Formations |
| Chugwater and Goose Egg Formations |
| Chugwater Formation or Group |
| Cloverly and Morrison Formations |
| Cloverly, Morrison, and Sundance Formations |
| Cloverly, Morrison, Sundance, and Gypsum Spring Formations |
| Cloverly, Morrisson, Sundance, and Gypsum Spring Formations and Nugget Sandstone |
| Coalmont Formation |
| Cody Shale |
| Cody Shale and Frontier Formation |
| Colter Formation |
| Conant Creek Tuff |
| Conglomerate |
| Conglomerate of Roaring Creek |
| Conglomerate of Sublette Range |
| Crandall Conglomerate |
| Crooks Gap Conglomerate |
| Dacite and Quartz Latite Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks |
| Deep Lake Group |
| Devils Basin Formation |
| Diamicitite and Sandstone (Wasatch) |
| Dune Sand and Loess |
| Ericson Sandstone |
| Evanston Formation |
| Everts Formation, Eagle Sandstone, and Telegraph Creek Formation |
| Ferris Formation |
| Forelle Limestone and Satanka Shale |
| Fort Union Formation |
| Fowkes Formation |
| Fox Hill Sandstone and Lewis Shale |
| Fox Hills Sandstone |
| Fox Hills Sandstone and Bearpaw Shale |
| Frontier Formation |
| Frontier Formation and Mowry and Thermopolis Shales |
| Gallatin Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation and equivalents, and Flathead Sandstone |
| Gannett Group |
| Glacial Deposits |
| Goose Egg Formation |
| Granite Gneiss |
| Granitic Conglomerate above or in upper part of Wasatch Formation |
| Granitic Rocks of 1,700Ma Age Group |
| Granitic Rocks of 2,000Ma Age Group |
| Granitic Rocks of 2,600Ma Age Group |
| Granodiorite of the Louis Lake Pluton |
| Gravel, Pediment, and Fan Deposits |
| green |
| Green River and Wasatch Formations |
| Greenhorn Formation and Belle Fourche and Mowry Shales |
| Greenhorn Formation and Belle Fourche Shale |
| Guernsey Formation |
| Gypsum Spring Formation, Nugget Sandstone, and Chugwater Formation |
| Gypsum Spring Formation, Nugget Sandstone, and Chugwater Formation |
| Hanna Formation |
| Harebell Formation |
| Hartville Formation |
| Heart Lake Conglomerate |
| Hilliard Shale |
| Hoback Formation |
| Hominy Peak Formation |
| Huckleberry Ridge Tuff or Yellowstone Group |
| Ice Point Conglomerate |
| Indian Meadows Formation |
| Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks |
| Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks |
| Intrusive Igneous Rocks |
| Jelm and Chugwater Formations, Forelle Limestone, and Satanka Shale |
| Kingsbury Conglomerate Member (Wasatch) |
| Kootenai and Morrison Formations and Ellis Group |
| LaBarge and Chappo Members (Wasatch) |
| Laketown Dolomite |
| Lance Formation |
| Lance Formation, Fox Hills Sandstone, Meeteetse Formation, and Bearpaw and Lewis Shales |
| Landslide Creek Formation |
| Landslide Deposits |
| Laney Member (Green River Formation) |
| Lebo and Tullock Members (Fort Union) |
| Lebo Member (Fort Union Formation) |
| Lewis Shale |
| Libby Creek Group |
| Lower Miocene and Upper Oligocene Rocks |
| Lower Miocene Rocks |
| Luman Tongue |
| Madison Limestone and Bighorn Dolomite |
| Madison Limestone and Darby Formation |
| Madison Limestone or Group |
| Madison Limestone, Darby Formation, Bighorn Dolomite, Gallatin Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation, and Flathead Sandstone |
| Madison Limestone, Darby or Three Forks, Jefferson, and Beartooth Formation, and Bighorn Dolomite |
| Mafic Intrusive Rocks |
| Mafic Intrusive Rocks |
| Mafic Intrusive Rocks |
| Main Body (Wasatch) |
| Medicine Bow Formation |
| Meeteetse Formation |
| Meeteetse Formation and Lewis Shale |
| Mesaverde Group |
| Mesozoic and Paleozoic Rocks |
| Metamorphosed Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks |
| Metasedimentary and Metavolcanic Rocks |
| Metasedimentary and Metavolcanic Rocks |
| Metasedimentary Rocks |
| Middle and Lower Eocene Rocks |
| Minnekahta Limestone and Opeche Shale |
| Minnelusa Formation |
| Miocene Rocks |
| Moncrief Member (Wasatch) |
| Mowry and Thermopolis Shales |
| Mowry Shale |
| New Fork Tongue of Wasatch and Fontenelle Tongue or Member of Green River |
| Newcastle Sandstone and Skull Creek Shale |
| Niland Tongue |
| Niobrara and Frontier Formations, and Mowry and Thermopolis Shales |
| Niobrara Formation |
| Niobrara Formation and Carlile Shale |
| Nugget Sandstone |
| Nugget Sandstone and Chugwater and Dinwoody Formations |
| Oldest Gneiss Complex |
| Oligocene and (or) Upper and Middle Eocene Rocks |
| Pahasapa and Englewood Limestones |
| Pass Peak Formation and Equivalents |
| Peridotite Intrusive Rocks |
| Phosphoria Formation and Related Rocks |
| Phosphoria, Wells, and Amsden Formations |
| Pierre Shale |
| pink |
| Pinyon Conglomerate |
| Playa Lake and other Lacustrine Deposits |
| Plutonic Rocks |
| Post-Eocene Sandstone and Conglomerate |
| Pyroxene and Horneblende Syenite |
| Quartz Diorite |
| Quartz Monzonite of North Yellowstone |
| Red Conglomerate on top of Hoback and Wyoming Ranges |
| Rhyolite Flows, Tuff, and Intrusive Igneous Rocks |
| Rhyolite to Diabase Porphyry Dikes |
| Rock Springs Formation |
| Sage Junction, Quealy, Cokeville, Thomas Fork, and Smiths Formations |
| Salt Lake Formation |
| Sedimentary Rocks |
| Sherman Granite |
| Shooting Iron Formation |
| Sohare Formation |
| Sohare Formation and Bacon Ridge Sandstone |
| Spearfish Formation |
| Steele Shale |
| Steele Shale and Niobrara Formation |
| Stump Formation, Preuss Sandstone or Redbeds , and Twin Creek Limestone |
| Sundance and Gypsum Spring Formations |
| Sundance and Gypsum Spring Formations and Nugget Sandstone |
| Sundance Formation |
| Sunlight Group |
| tan |
| Tatman Formation |
| Teewinot Formation |
| TenSleep Sandstone and Amsden Formation |
| Tepee Trail Formation |
| Terrace Gravel |
| Thorofare Creek and Sunlight Groups |
| Thorofare Creek and Sunlight Groups |
| Three Forks, Jefferson, and Beartooth Butte Formations and Bighorn Dolomite |
| Tipton Shale Member or Tongue (Green River Formation) |
| Tongue River and Lebo Members (Fort Union) |
| Tongue River Member (Fort Union) |
| Transitional Unit between Battle Spring and Wasatch Formations |
| Trout Peak Trachyandesite |
| Tullock Member (Fort Union) |
| Two Ocean and Langford Formations |
| Undivided Surficial Deposits |
| Upper Conglomerate Member (White River Fm) |
| Upper Miocene Rocks |
| Volcanic Conglomerate |
| Wagon Bed Formation |
| Wapiti Formation |
| Wasatch Formation (main body) |
| Washakie Formation |
| Washburn Group |
| Water Bodies |
| Wayan and Smiths Formations |
| Wells and Amsden Formations |
| White River Formation |
| Wiggins Formation |
| Wilkins Peak Member (Green River) |
| Wilkins Peak Member and Tipton Shale Member or Tongue (Green River) |
| Willwood Formation |
| Wind River and Indian Meadows Formations |
| Wind River Formation |