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Wyoming Dikes (7)
Wyoming Faults (8)
All_Basins (9)
WYoming state HWY WYoming state HWY
Interstate HWY Interstate HWY
PLSS_Townships (20)
PLSS_Sections (23)
Bedrock Geology - 500k (25)
Adaville Formation Adaville Formation
Alkalic Extrusive and Intrusive Igneous Rocks Alkalic Extrusive and Intrusive Igneous Rocks
Alkalic Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks Alkalic Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks
Alluvium and Colluvium Alluvium and Colluvium
Almond Formation Almond Formation
Ankareh Formation, Thaynes Limestone, Woodside Shale, and Dinwoody Formation Ankareh Formation, Thaynes Limestone, Woodside Shale, and Dinwoody Formation
Anorthosite and Norite Anorthosite and Norite
Aspen Shale Aspen Shale
Bacon Ridge Sandstone Bacon Ridge Sandstone
Basalt Flows and Intrusive Igneous Rocks Basalt Flows and Intrusive Igneous Rocks
Basalt Flows and Intrusive Igneous Rocks Basalt Flows and Intrusive Igneous Rocks
Battle Spring Formation Battle Spring Formation
Baxter Shale Baxter Shale
Bear River Formation Bear River Formation
Beartooth Mountains Beartooth Mountains
Bighorn Dolomite Bighorn Dolomite
Bighorn Dolomite, Gallatin Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation, and Flathead Sandstone Bighorn Dolomite, Gallatin Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation, and Flathead Sandstone
Bishop Conglomerate Bishop Conglomerate
black black
Blair Formation Blair Formation
Blind Bull Formation Blind Bull Formation
Bridger Formation Bridger Formation
Brule Member (White River Fm) Brule Member (White River Fm)
Bug Formation Bug Formation
Caldwell Canyon Volcanics Caldwell Canyon Volcanics
Camp Davis Formation Camp Davis Formation
Carlile Shale Carlile Shale
Casper and Fountain Formations Casper and Fountain Formations
Casper Formation Casper Formation
Cathedral Bluffs Tongue (Wasatch) Cathedral Bluffs Tongue (Wasatch)
Chadron Member (White River Fm) Chadron Member (White River Fm)
Chugwater and Dinwoody Formations Chugwater and Dinwoody Formations
Chugwater and Goose Egg Formations Chugwater and Goose Egg Formations
Chugwater Formation or Group Chugwater Formation or Group
Cloverly and Morrison Formations Cloverly and Morrison Formations
Cloverly, Morrison, and Sundance Formations Cloverly, Morrison, and Sundance Formations
Cloverly, Morrison, Sundance, and Gypsum Spring Formations Cloverly, Morrison, Sundance, and Gypsum Spring Formations
Cloverly, Morrisson, Sundance, and Gypsum Spring Formations and Nugget Sandstone Cloverly, Morrisson, Sundance, and Gypsum Spring Formations and Nugget Sandstone
Coalmont Formation Coalmont Formation
Cody Shale Cody Shale
Cody Shale and Frontier Formation Cody Shale and Frontier Formation
Colter Formation Colter Formation
Conant Creek Tuff Conant Creek Tuff
Conglomerate Conglomerate
Conglomerate of Roaring Creek Conglomerate of Roaring Creek
Conglomerate of Sublette Range Conglomerate of Sublette Range
Crandall Conglomerate Crandall Conglomerate
Crooks Gap Conglomerate Crooks Gap Conglomerate
Dacite and Quartz Latite Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks Dacite and Quartz Latite Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks
Deep Lake Group Deep Lake Group
Devils Basin Formation Devils Basin Formation
Diamicitite and Sandstone (Wasatch) Diamicitite and Sandstone (Wasatch)
Dune Sand and Loess Dune Sand and Loess
Ericson Sandstone Ericson Sandstone
Evanston Formation Evanston Formation
Everts Formation, Eagle Sandstone, and Telegraph Creek Formation Everts Formation, Eagle Sandstone, and Telegraph Creek Formation
Ferris Formation Ferris Formation
Forelle Limestone and Satanka Shale Forelle Limestone and Satanka Shale
Fort Union Formation Fort Union Formation
Fowkes Formation Fowkes Formation
Fox Hill Sandstone and Lewis Shale Fox Hill Sandstone and Lewis Shale
Fox Hills Sandstone Fox Hills Sandstone
Fox Hills Sandstone and Bearpaw Shale Fox Hills Sandstone and Bearpaw Shale
Frontier Formation Frontier Formation
Frontier Formation and Mowry and Thermopolis Shales Frontier Formation and Mowry and Thermopolis Shales
Gallatin Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation and equivalents, and Flathead Sandstone Gallatin Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation and equivalents, and Flathead Sandstone
Gannett Group Gannett Group
Glacial Deposits Glacial Deposits
Goose Egg Formation Goose Egg Formation
Granite Gneiss Granite Gneiss
Granitic Conglomerate above or in upper part of Wasatch Formation Granitic Conglomerate above or in upper part of Wasatch Formation
Granitic Rocks of 1,700Ma Age Group Granitic Rocks of 1,700Ma Age Group
Granitic Rocks of 2,000Ma Age Group Granitic Rocks of 2,000Ma Age Group
Granitic Rocks of 2,600Ma Age Group Granitic Rocks of 2,600Ma Age Group
Granodiorite of the Louis Lake Pluton Granodiorite of the Louis Lake Pluton
Gravel, Pediment, and Fan Deposits Gravel, Pediment, and Fan Deposits
green green
Green River and Wasatch Formations Green River and Wasatch Formations
Greenhorn Formation and Belle Fourche and Mowry Shales Greenhorn Formation and Belle Fourche and Mowry Shales
Greenhorn Formation and Belle Fourche Shale Greenhorn Formation and Belle Fourche Shale
Guernsey Formation Guernsey Formation
Gypsum Spring Formation, Nugget Sandstone, and Chugwater Formation Gypsum Spring Formation, Nugget Sandstone, and Chugwater Formation
Gypsum Spring Formation, Nugget Sandstone, and Chugwater Formation Gypsum Spring Formation, Nugget Sandstone, and Chugwater Formation
Hanna Formation Hanna Formation
Harebell Formation Harebell Formation
Hartville Formation Hartville Formation
Heart Lake Conglomerate Heart Lake Conglomerate
Hilliard Shale Hilliard Shale
Hoback Formation Hoback Formation
Hominy Peak Formation Hominy Peak Formation
Huckleberry Ridge Tuff or Yellowstone Group Huckleberry Ridge Tuff or Yellowstone Group
Ice Point Conglomerate Ice Point Conglomerate
Indian Meadows Formation Indian Meadows Formation
Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks
Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks
Intrusive Igneous Rocks Intrusive Igneous Rocks
Jelm and Chugwater Formations, Forelle Limestone, and Satanka Shale Jelm and Chugwater Formations, Forelle Limestone, and Satanka Shale
Kingsbury Conglomerate Member (Wasatch) Kingsbury Conglomerate Member (Wasatch)
Kootenai and Morrison Formations and Ellis Group Kootenai and Morrison Formations and Ellis Group
LaBarge and Chappo Members (Wasatch) LaBarge and Chappo Members (Wasatch)
Laketown Dolomite Laketown Dolomite
Lance Formation Lance Formation
Lance Formation, Fox Hills Sandstone, Meeteetse Formation, and Bearpaw and Lewis Shales Lance Formation, Fox Hills Sandstone, Meeteetse Formation, and Bearpaw and Lewis Shales
Landslide Creek Formation Landslide Creek Formation
Landslide Deposits Landslide Deposits
Laney Member (Green River Formation) Laney Member (Green River Formation)
Lebo and Tullock Members (Fort Union) Lebo and Tullock Members (Fort Union)
Lebo Member (Fort Union Formation) Lebo Member (Fort Union Formation)
Lewis Shale Lewis Shale
Libby Creek Group Libby Creek Group
Lower Miocene and Upper Oligocene Rocks Lower Miocene and Upper Oligocene Rocks
Lower Miocene Rocks Lower Miocene Rocks
Luman Tongue Luman Tongue
Madison Limestone and Bighorn Dolomite Madison Limestone and Bighorn Dolomite
Madison Limestone and Darby Formation Madison Limestone and Darby Formation
Madison Limestone or Group Madison Limestone or Group
Madison Limestone, Darby Formation, Bighorn Dolomite, Gallatin Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation, and Flathead Sandstone Madison Limestone, Darby Formation, Bighorn Dolomite, Gallatin Limestone, Gros Ventre Formation, and Flathead Sandstone
Madison Limestone, Darby or Three Forks, Jefferson, and Beartooth Formation, and Bighorn Dolomite Madison Limestone, Darby or Three Forks, Jefferson, and Beartooth Formation, and Bighorn Dolomite
Mafic Intrusive Rocks Mafic Intrusive Rocks
Mafic Intrusive Rocks Mafic Intrusive Rocks
Mafic Intrusive Rocks Mafic Intrusive Rocks
Main Body (Wasatch) Main Body (Wasatch)
Medicine Bow Formation Medicine Bow Formation
Meeteetse Formation Meeteetse Formation
Meeteetse Formation and Lewis Shale Meeteetse Formation and Lewis Shale
Mesaverde Group Mesaverde Group
Mesozoic and Paleozoic Rocks Mesozoic and Paleozoic Rocks
Metamorphosed Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks Metamorphosed Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks
Metasedimentary and Metavolcanic Rocks Metasedimentary and Metavolcanic Rocks
Metasedimentary and Metavolcanic Rocks Metasedimentary and Metavolcanic Rocks
Metasedimentary Rocks Metasedimentary Rocks
Middle and Lower Eocene Rocks Middle and Lower Eocene Rocks
Minnekahta Limestone and Opeche Shale Minnekahta Limestone and Opeche Shale
Minnelusa Formation Minnelusa Formation
Miocene Rocks Miocene Rocks
Moncrief Member (Wasatch) Moncrief Member (Wasatch)
Mowry and Thermopolis Shales Mowry and Thermopolis Shales
Mowry Shale Mowry Shale
New Fork Tongue of Wasatch and Fontenelle Tongue or Member of Green River New Fork Tongue of Wasatch and Fontenelle Tongue or Member of Green River
Newcastle Sandstone and Skull Creek Shale Newcastle Sandstone and Skull Creek Shale
Niland Tongue Niland Tongue
Niobrara and Frontier Formations, and Mowry and Thermopolis Shales Niobrara and Frontier Formations, and Mowry and Thermopolis Shales
Niobrara Formation Niobrara Formation
Niobrara Formation and Carlile Shale Niobrara Formation and Carlile Shale
Nugget Sandstone Nugget Sandstone
Nugget Sandstone and Chugwater and Dinwoody Formations Nugget Sandstone and Chugwater and Dinwoody Formations
Oldest Gneiss Complex Oldest Gneiss Complex
Oligocene and (or) Upper and Middle Eocene Rocks Oligocene and (or) Upper and Middle Eocene Rocks
Pahasapa and Englewood Limestones Pahasapa and Englewood Limestones
Pass Peak Formation and Equivalents Pass Peak Formation and Equivalents
Peridotite Intrusive Rocks Peridotite Intrusive Rocks
Phosphoria Formation and Related Rocks Phosphoria Formation and Related Rocks
Phosphoria, Wells, and Amsden Formations Phosphoria, Wells, and Amsden Formations
Pierre Shale Pierre Shale
pink pink
Pinyon Conglomerate Pinyon Conglomerate
Playa Lake and other Lacustrine Deposits Playa Lake and other Lacustrine Deposits
Plutonic Rocks Plutonic Rocks
Post-Eocene Sandstone and Conglomerate Post-Eocene Sandstone and Conglomerate
Pyroxene and Horneblende Syenite Pyroxene and Horneblende Syenite
Quartz Diorite Quartz Diorite
Quartz Monzonite of North Yellowstone Quartz Monzonite of North Yellowstone
Red Conglomerate on top of Hoback and Wyoming Ranges Red Conglomerate on top of Hoback and Wyoming Ranges
Rhyolite Flows, Tuff, and Intrusive Igneous Rocks Rhyolite Flows, Tuff, and Intrusive Igneous Rocks
Rhyolite to Diabase Porphyry Dikes Rhyolite to Diabase Porphyry Dikes
Rock Springs Formation Rock Springs Formation
Sage Junction, Quealy, Cokeville, Thomas Fork, and Smiths Formations Sage Junction, Quealy, Cokeville, Thomas Fork, and Smiths Formations
Salt Lake Formation Salt Lake Formation
Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary Rocks
Sherman Granite Sherman Granite
Shooting Iron Formation Shooting Iron Formation
Sohare Formation Sohare Formation
Sohare Formation and Bacon Ridge Sandstone Sohare Formation and Bacon Ridge Sandstone
Spearfish Formation Spearfish Formation
Steele Shale Steele Shale
Steele Shale and Niobrara Formation Steele Shale and Niobrara Formation
Stump Formation, Preuss Sandstone or Redbeds , and Twin Creek Limestone Stump Formation, Preuss Sandstone or Redbeds , and Twin Creek Limestone
Sundance and Gypsum Spring Formations Sundance and Gypsum Spring Formations
Sundance and Gypsum Spring Formations and Nugget Sandstone Sundance and Gypsum Spring Formations and Nugget Sandstone
Sundance Formation Sundance Formation
Sunlight Group Sunlight Group
tan tan
Tatman Formation Tatman Formation
Teewinot Formation Teewinot Formation
TenSleep Sandstone and Amsden Formation TenSleep Sandstone and Amsden Formation
Tepee Trail Formation Tepee Trail Formation
Terrace Gravel Terrace Gravel
Thorofare Creek and Sunlight Groups Thorofare Creek and Sunlight Groups
Thorofare Creek and Sunlight Groups Thorofare Creek and Sunlight Groups
Three Forks, Jefferson, and Beartooth Butte Formations and Bighorn Dolomite Three Forks, Jefferson, and Beartooth Butte Formations and Bighorn Dolomite
Tipton Shale Member or Tongue (Green River Formation) Tipton Shale Member or Tongue (Green River Formation)
Tongue River and Lebo Members (Fort Union) Tongue River and Lebo Members (Fort Union)
Tongue River Member (Fort Union) Tongue River Member (Fort Union)
Transitional Unit between Battle Spring and Wasatch Formations Transitional Unit between Battle Spring and Wasatch Formations
Trout Peak Trachyandesite Trout Peak Trachyandesite
Tullock Member (Fort Union) Tullock Member (Fort Union)
Two Ocean and Langford Formations Two Ocean and Langford Formations
Undivided Surficial Deposits Undivided Surficial Deposits
Upper Conglomerate Member (White River Fm) Upper Conglomerate Member (White River Fm)
Upper Miocene Rocks Upper Miocene Rocks
Volcanic Conglomerate Volcanic Conglomerate
Wagon Bed Formation Wagon Bed Formation
Wapiti Formation Wapiti Formation
Wasatch Formation (main body) Wasatch Formation (main body)
Washakie Formation Washakie Formation
Washburn Group Washburn Group
Water Bodies Water Bodies
Wayan and Smiths Formations Wayan and Smiths Formations
Wells and Amsden Formations Wells and Amsden Formations
White River Formation White River Formation
Wiggins Formation Wiggins Formation
Wilkins Peak Member (Green River) Wilkins Peak Member (Green River)
Wilkins Peak Member and Tipton Shale Member or Tongue (Green River) Wilkins Peak Member and Tipton Shale Member or Tongue (Green River)
Willwood Formation Willwood Formation
Wind River and Indian Meadows Formations Wind River and Indian Meadows Formations
Wind River Formation Wind River Formation
Surficial Geology - 500k (26)
Body of Water Body of Water
Glacier Glacier
AI - Old Alluvial Plain AI - Old Alluvial Plain
aR - Shallow Alluvium aR - Shallow Alluvium
ai - Alluvium ai - Alluvium
bdi - Dissected Bench Deposits bdi - Dissected Bench Deposits
bi - Bench Deposits bi - Bench Deposits
ei - Eolian Deposits ei - Eolian Deposits
fdi - Dissected Alluvial Fan and Gradational Fan Deposits fdi - Dissected Alluvial Fan and Gradational Fan Deposits
fi - Alluvial Fan and Gradational Fan Deposits fi - Alluvial Fan and Gradational Fan Deposits
gi - Glacial Deposits gi - Glacial Deposits
li - Landslide li - Landslide
Mi - Mined Areas Mi - Mined Areas
mi - Mesa mi - Mesa
oai - Glacial Outwash and Alluvium oai - Glacial Outwash and Alluvium
pea - Playa Deposits pea - Playa Deposits
Ri - Bedrock and Glaciated Bedrock Ri - Bedrock and Glaciated Bedrock
ri - Residuum ri - Residuum
sci - Slopewash and Colluvium sci - Slopewash and Colluvium
Ti - Structural Terrace Ti - Structural Terrace
tdi - Dissected Terrace Deposits tdi - Dissected Terrace Deposits
ti - Terrace Deposits ti - Terrace Deposits
tre - Shallow Terrace Deposits tre - Shallow Terrace Deposits
ui - Grus ui - Grus
xi - Truncated Bedrock xi - Truncated Bedrock
COUNTYS (2M) (30)
WY_30M_DEM (34)
High : 4200 - Low : 935 High : 4200 - Low : 935
High : 254 - Low : 0 High : 254 - Low : 0