ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (OGER_V_Base)

Interstates (1)
US Highways (2)
WY Highways (3)
County Roads (300K) (4)
Major Rail Lines (5)
Counties (6)
NHD Flowlines (100K) (8)
HUCS6(3M) (9)
HUCS8(1.5M) (10)
HUCS10(500K) (11)
HUCS12(100K) (12)
NHD Water Bodies (100K) (13)
Major Cities (14)
Populated Places (200K) (15)
USGS 24K Quads (16)
PLSS Townships (300K) (18)
PLSS Sections (150K) (19)
PLSS Quarter Quarters (25K) (20)
Special Districts (1M) (21)
AQD Class 1 Lands (1M) (22)
Federal Lands (23)
Department of Defense Department of Defense
Bureau of Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation
National Forest FS National Forest FS
National Grassland FS National Grassland FS
National Historic Site NPS National Historic Site NPS
National Monument NPS National Monument NPS
National Park NPS National Park NPS
National Parkway NPS National Parkway NPS
National Recreation Area FS National Recreation Area FS
National Recreation Area NPS National Recreation Area NPS
National Wildlife Refuge FWS National Wildlife Refuge FWS
Public Domain Land BLM Public Domain Land BLM
Wilderness FS Wilderness FS
Wilderness Study Area FWS Wilderness Study Area FWS