Description: This feature class is the Field Office level data from the feature level Dataset for the BLM Administrative Unit Boundaries Data Standard. The feature dataset includes both BLM administrative land areas and office locations. Land areas are depicted with polygons for the smallest administrative unit (field offices). Larger administrative units, such as district offices, and administrative states may be derived from these polygons. Office locations at each level are depicted with points..
This dataset is a subset of the official national dataset, containing features and attributes intended for public release and has been optimized for online map service performance. The Implementation Guide represents the official national dataset from which this dataset was derived.
Description: This dataset represents federal mineral status in Wyoming. This dataset is intended to represent federal mineral information on Master Title Plats(MTPs) and other land status records. The geometry of this dataset was constructed from the current version of the Cadastral National Spatial Data Infrastructure (CadNSDI) standardized PLSS for Wyoming. The types of federal mineral reservations are representative of those found on land patents issued in Wyoming.
Service Item Id: 8464e17180c542c397f4734b7dbe775b
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management GIS, Cartography, and Cadastral Survey personnel.
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The dataset was created by the Land Quality Division (LQD) of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ). </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The dataset contains boundaries for all regular mining permits, small mining permits, and research and development licenses regulated by the WDEQ/LQD in Wyoming. All LQD Districts and minerals are represented. Coal permit boundaries for all LQD Districts are current as of October 2021. Non-coal permit boundaries are current as of August 2021. These data are for display purposes only and do not represent survey grade information. Users are referred to individual mine permits for more detailed information. The WDEQ/LQD makes no warranties as to the validity, and assumes no liability associated with the use or misuse of this information. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Most of the permit boundaries were created by the WDEQ/LQD using information in the mine permits, as discussed below. Some permit boundaries for certain uranium and bentonite mines were provided directly from the permittees. The "DATA" field provides a brief description of how the boundary was created or if the boundary was provided directly by a mine operator. The "COMMENTS" field provides further details on how the boundary was created. In some cases the WDEQ/LQD made minor edits to the boundary supplied by the operator, and this is also noted in the "DATA" or "COMMENTS" field.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>When not supplied by the mine operator, the WDEQ/LQD created the boundaries by two primary methods. First, the legal description information in Appendix C of each permit was used to create the boundary in conjunction with the July 2016 Geographic Coordinate Database (GCDB) (aka Public Land Survey System (PLSS)) data from the Wyoming BLM ( In some cases Coordinate Geography (COGO) tool in ArcGIS was used to create boundaries for irregular feature shapes such as roads and other boundary curves. A second method used to create the boundary was by scanning and georeferencing a current map from the mine permit.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>It should be noted that some users may notice that the permit boundaries do not match exactly with section lines depicted on different versions of the PLSS, such as USGS Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) topographic maps or older versions of the GCDB. The GCDB data used for this project was presumed to be the most up to date and accurate PLSS data available. However, it should be noted that the BLM cautions that the GCDB dataset has no legal significance and cannot be used as a substitute for a legal boundary survey. Further information on GCDB is available from the BLM at: </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The accuracy of the permit boundaries was checked in several ways. First, the boundaries were visually compared against maps in the permit. Second, the boundaries were checked against the legal description information in Appendix C of the adjudication file for each permit. Finally, the calculated GIS acres for each permit were compared against the approved permit acres for each permit. In some cases where a large discrepancy exists between the calculated and approved acres, this is noted in the COMMENTS field. It is noted that some permit boundaries for bentonite permits showed large </SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>discrepancies </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>between </SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>calculated </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>and approved acres; these boundaries may be updated in the future as more information and edits are made.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Users should note that mine permit boundaries in Wyoming can frequently change. Coal permit boundaries for all LQD Districts are current as of October 2021. Non-coal permit boundaries are current as of August 2021. The most up to date information on permit boundaries and acreages can be obtained by checking Appendix C in the adjudication file of each mine permit.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Service Item Id: 8464e17180c542c397f4734b7dbe775b
Copyright Text: Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Land Quality Division
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>1,381 named oil and gas fields generated using the Wells included in WSGS fields layer and a WSGS iterative ArcGIS model; includes number and type of wells included in the field, field type (defined by majority well type), producing reservoirs, and field designations. Several external resources were used in the creation of the field polygons, including the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and the Wyoming Geological Association.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Description: This dataset represents federal mineral status in Wyoming. This dataset is intended to represent federal mineral information on Master Title Plats(MTPs) and other land status records. The geometry of this dataset was constructed from the current version of the Cadastral National Spatial Data Infrastructure (CadNSDI) standardized PLSS for Wyoming. The types of federal mineral reservations are representative of those found on land patents issued in Wyoming.
Service Item Id: 8464e17180c542c397f4734b7dbe775b
Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management GIS, Cartography, and Cadastral Survey personnel.